November 1, 2010

The coming winter...

As some of you may already know, We work for a local nursery that closes throughout January and February... So in order to prepare for this lack of income we travel to shows to sell our handmade goods in December. The last two years we have gone to a show in Cleveland, Ohio. This winter we had planned on going to Chicago. However, plans changed and now we will be toughing it out without that last minute income...

Just as much as the money, though, i'll be missing this park we always visit while in cleveland. There isn't usually much to see that's this beautiful in the winter. But there I was never disappointed... A lakeside park with rushes of seagulls, driftwood antlers, and ice laden milkweed.

I thought since we wont be there this year to enjoy it, that I'd reminisce from here with some old photos. I wish i had a better one to share of the Orange fox squirrels, but unfortunately I don't. We were always too busy trying to coax them close to worry about taking good photographs...

I hope you all have a lovely place to retreat to each winter. We'll just have to make do on the battlefields of Fredericksburg...

On another note; please watch this video!
... And then act on it!


jene said...

interesting video. good luck this winter. i hope our event helps get more traffic on your etsy site : ]

The Oak Leaves said...

That would be great, but even better if it raises the money he needs for the birds!

I think we'll be fine this winter since i've started taking wholesale orders!