March 13, 2010

On This Rainy Walk...

Photo: by Maggie Smith
Found: here

I know this is going to sound odd, but i was actually pleasantly surprised this morning to find a squished newt in the road. Ive been fascinated my entire life with the tiny orange inch long creatures I'd find along stream beds... You know the tiny little guys with black and pink spots? If you turn them over and look at their bellies you can see all of their organs through their thin moist skin... things like this are very thrilling to a tom boy of a child, and fortunately for me my inner child is still very prominent...
So, anyhow, I've recently been talking about searching out streams so i could once again find this childhood wonder of mine, and to spot one, even a squished one, was quite exciting... I cant wait for our next walk now!


Sowing Clover (Emily) said...

That picture is so great! He is such a beautiful shade of orange... and that fern! I watered plants this morning in the greenhouse in bare feet. :)

[I had a dream that we met. It was a good dream...:) ]

The Oak Leaves said...

that made me laugh because i cant seem to water anything in the green house without soaking my shoes and feet... and a good deal of the rest of me for that matter... The one time i took my shoes off i was quickly reprimanded for it....

Maybe one day we will get to meet in person who knows?