February 3, 2010

This Winter Break...

Photo courtesy of one of my customers whose name escapes me at the moment :(

Well, we've been home from work for 42 days now... And I'm only now getting past the need to lie around soaking up my ability to do so. We have started an early spring cleaning rampage. The entire house from top to bottom, not over looking a single nook or cranny, is being stripped bare, purged of excess, and organized. And boy does it feel great.... Its been several days in the making and will take at least the rest of the week, but i don't mind so much. Ship shape for the last 20 days or so.
We do have to return to good Ole Meadows Farms sometime near the beginning of march... But before that time I'd really like to work on some art projects that have only seemed to be figments of my imagination up until now. There will be many more houses (not of the clay kind), Quilting, botanical illustrations on seed envelopes, and maybe some special custom clay houses like the ones above that I finished some time last year. They are modeled after thatched roof houses from Shrilanka if i remember correctly, along with a little church... I'd love a city to keep for myself. Last night i finally let myself unwrap one on my bedside table. I fell in love with something I've made thousands of and never before kept around....
Well, there's lots on my mind. Gardening has been my main thought as of late, but I've done enough talking about that for everyone (I'll spare you for now)... So ill leave you to enjoy this winter snow (of which we have ~8")...

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