January 9, 2010

Good Growing Guides...

Good Growing Guide by Fennel and Fern...

I don't know about all of you out there, but here in Virginia, I am too cold! Lately it's just been far cooler than in past years, and while i understand the necessity for winter, I , for one, do not appreciate it! So as usual this time of year i spend my days searching for ways to keep dreaming of warmer months to come...
So, i was pleasantly surprised when i first came upon Fennel and Fern's "Good Growing Guides". They are a set of 27 cards that tell you how to go about growing each crop, while at the same time warming your heart with gorgeous photos of the plant. On their website you can either download the cards for free, or buy them in hard copy if you prefer.

Definitely worth checking out!


Sowing Clover (Emily) said...

Oooh! New layout! Very nice. Those growing cards are wonderful.

The Oak Leaves said...

Yes! i love changing the blog!
I got the how to from thefoothillhomecompanion blog...
She is always changing her headers and they are very nice!

Sowing Clover (Emily) said...

I have a question for you about keeping terrariums fresh. Want to e-mail me at knitchick605@yahoo.com ?