September 26, 2011


"Some times progress is not reflected in quality"

Today I'm in tears
I've been swallowed up
In disappointments



susie said...

I read a thought provoking poem In the book "GreenSpirit Path to a New Consciousness". Ernesto Cardenal in his narrative poem "The Music of the Spheres":
Suppose reader, we want to see the star HD193182,
The star could not see its beauty
Unless we did.
We are the star seeing itself.
Born in its fire and cooled to be able to think and see.
Protons, neutrons, and electrons
are the human body, the planet, and the stars.
From the unconscious consciousness came,
So in us the planet loves and dreams.
Hope this gives you comfort.

The Oak Leaves said...

Thanks Susie!

Anonymous said...

i've been feeling the same way.

fall down seven times, stand up eight.
- japanese proverb

i tell myself this a thousand times a day.