February 11, 2009

Upon further inspection...

Today i woke up somewhere around 11:30 (ridiculous, i know). I put on the dress i love, but know i don't look so terrific in, pulled on some jeans, and headed outside... Id been wanting to photograph the little colonial house id made... Well, while i was down there in the mud (on my belly), i saw more than id expected; flowers. There were little bitty, almost microscopic flowers. And they were Everywhere!

extremely tiny blue ones...

and some little white ones...

At that point, i decided I needed to explore some more... I ran around my yard like the little kid i am, checking out this and that... looking up to see willow (my cat) looking at me strangely through the window. I got in one picture when my husband and his friend pulled up to grab Stephens skate board. I decided the exploration could wait a few hours and joined their trek to the skate park... Once we got there the sky went gray, and my glimpse of spring quickly vanished. I sat there against the fence and shivered in the blustery winds. But there's always tomorrow...

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